Meeting Guide is a free app to find A.A. meetings and resources near you wherever you may be. The app is available for iOS and Android smartphones. For more information about the app, please go here.

Founded in 1944, the A.A. Grapevine is the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is often referred to as our "meeting in print" because it serves as a lifeline linking one alcoholic to another. The journal is available online here.
La revista La Viña está disponible en español aquí.

The book Alcoholics Anonymous — commonly known as the Big Book — is A.A.’s main text. First published in April 1939, the Big Book presents the A.A. program of individual recovery as well as personal stories of struggle and recovery by A.A. members spanning the Fellowship’s history. The text is available online here.

A collection of readings through the calendar year one day--and one page--at a time. The book is available online here.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions explains the the 24 basic principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. The book was written by Bill W., a co-founder of A.A., and was originally published in 1952. The text is available online here.

Sharing from Behind the Walls is a quarterly newsletter containing excerpts from inmates' letters sent to G.S.O. and reprinted with the inmates' permission. The newsletter is available online here.

The Grape Free Press is a newsletter published by the Kansas Area 25 Assembly for A.A. members. The newsletter is found on the area's website ( under "Documents".

About A.A. is a newsletter for professionals of all types who deal with alcoholics. The newsletter is available online here.

Box 4-5-9 is a quarterly news bulletin from the G.S.O. about A.A. service, literature, events, and more. The bulletin is available online here.

The A.A. Service Manual is an important resource for A.A. members involved with service. Chapters cover the roles of GSRs, DCMs, delegates, as well as guiding principles about service. The text is available online here.